Peak Processing delivers fully integrated reporting solutions tailored to meet the project objectives and our clients expectations. Systems are transported in custom-made transit cases to provide processing services wherever required. Benchmarking and pressure testing ensure the systems are efficient and robust. Systems are always mobilised with 100% redundancy. We operate a fleet of high performance processing systems running the latest stable releases of software. We can mobilise quickly to work either in house or in country of interest and provide highly trained personnel with high performance processing systems. Seismic Processing – Possessing in-depth and broad industry experience, Peak Processing is pleased to offer 2D Quality Control or Final data processing on or offshore. Peak Processing offer a full package of processing, interpretation, reporting and presentation of offshore survey datasets. We are specialist in offshore geohazard assessment and our team have significant track record in working in the oil and gas, renewables and cable sectors. Situated in East Anglia, UK we provide a full QC, processing, interpretation and integration solution for all offshore survey datasets.

Peak Processing is a seismic data processing house – and more…