Male teen clothing sims 3 cc
Male teen clothing sims 3 cc

male teen clothing sims 3 cc

Other than that, it depends on whether you have premade sims (binned while in CAS), premade families (ready to move in) and prebuilt lots, and custom patterns that you want to save. Installedworlds will have Riverview and any others you've downloaded and installed. If you do redownload, you should get a new ccmerged.package in your DCBackup folder otherwise, be sure to transfer the old one over as well. ebc files over from DCCache (.dbc files are third-party cc), or you could just redownload the store stuff if you don't have much. (You probably want to back up the new file and store it somewhere safe, as installing new drivers can reset the options.) If you have store content, you'll need to move your.

male teen clothing sims 3 cc male teen clothing sims 3 cc

If a clean folder still produces the same crashing pattern as you've been seeing, it's time to run a dxdiag (Windows) or post your specs (mac) as well as which packs you're running, and maybe your in-game graphics settings for good Your options.ini file stores your customized game options, but the file can become corrupt, so it might be easier to just reset your options in-game. Does this happen only with a particular sim, only in one ongoing save, or in any game, even a new one? Does it happen if you enter CAS when you first boot up, or only after you spend some time in the game? Spending a lot of time in CAS and CAH can be much more demanding on RAM than simply playing with a family.

male teen clothing sims 3 cc

If a clean folder still produces the same crashing pattern as you've been seeing, it's time to run a dxdiag (Windows) or post your specs (mac) as well as which packs you're running, and maybe your in-game graphics settings for good EA's vanilla CAS can cause some issues on its own, even without bad cc, but your crashes could also be due to a corrupt save or other file. If not, you can add the rest of your content back in, a little at a time, and when the problem appears again, you'll know more or less what is causing the crashes. If not, you can add your existing save(s) to this new folder and load it up to see if you still have the same issue. You can try playing around with CAS again to see if the problem recurs. When you launch the game again, it will spawn a fresh, clean folder with no content. If this problem exists across saves, the best thing to try is to pull your entire TS3 folder out of Documents (not just pieces, the entire thing) and place it somewhere safe, like on your desktop with a new name. EA's vanilla CAS can cause some issues on its own, even without bad cc, but your crashes could also be due to a corrupt save or other file.

Male teen clothing sims 3 cc